WHEAT | A Leading of Human Food

Wheat is a leading of human food in the world as it is an important source of carbohydrates. The grains are cleaned and then conditioned with the addition of water so that the grains break properly. In the milling state, the grain is cracked and then passed through a series of rollers. Since the smaller particles are removed, the coarse particles are further reduced to other rollers. More about 72% of the crushed grain is exported as white flour. Flour made from whole grains is called graham flour and is made with long storage due to maintaining the amount of oil. White flour, which does not contain germs, lasts longer. A number of inferior and superior greasing and milling products are used for livestock feed.

We process this important grain under well organized, well cleaned and sophisticated environment under best supervisions to maintain the quality. We are exporting best grade cleaned and high-protein wheat making sure about your health. Our foremost step is to satisfy our customers as trust is the key factor for us.